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Bugging Out: How to Gracefully Exit Civilization (and Avoid the In-Laws) with Your Survival Kit

Bugging Out: How to Gracefully Exit Civilization (and Avoid the In-Laws) with Your Survival Kit

Welcome to the whimsical world of "bugging out," a term that conjures images of backpacks brimming with survival gear, maps sprinkled with mysterious X marks, and perhaps a rugged individualist whistling a jaunty tune as they stride into the wilderness. But what does it really mean to bug out in the survivalist and prepper community? Buckle up, dear reader, as we embark on a journey through the ins and outs of bugging out, with a healthy dose of humor to guide us.

Bugging out, in its simplest form, is the act of packing up your essentials and swiftly vacating your current location due to an impending doom—be it natural disasters, zombie apocalypse predictions, or the in-laws dropping by unannounced. It's the ultimate "I'm leaving the grid and you can't stop me" statement, only with more practical reasoning and less teenage rebellion.

The Bug Out Bag: Your Portable Lifeboat

At the heart of every bug out plan is the bug out bag (BOB), a carefully curated collection of items designed to keep you alive and kicking for at least 72 hours. Think of it as a portable lifeboat, or a Mary Poppins bag if Mary was a survival enthusiast. A well-packed BOB includes essentials like water, food, a first-aid kit, shelter, and, for those inclined, a means to fend off wild animals or overly curious squirrels.

Who Buggers Out?

Bugging out isn't just for the lone wolf with a penchant for wilderness survival. It's a strategy embraced by families, friends, and anyone who prefers being one step ahead rather than one step behind disaster. From city dwellers with escape routes out of urban mazes to rural residents with a keen eye on wildfire paths, bugging out is about preparedness, not paranoia. Well, maybe a little paranoia—it's a spice of life.

The Fine Art of Picking Your Bug Out Location (BOL)

Choosing a bug out location (BOL) is like selecting the perfect campsite, except the stakes are higher and there's no reservation system. A good BOL offers safety, resources, and ideally, a scenic view to enjoy while contemplating the collapse of civilization. It could be a cabin in the woods, a secluded campsite, or your Aunt Edna's farmhouse (assuming Aunt Edna is cool with it).

Bugging Out: Not Just for Catastrophes

While the concept of bugging out is often associated with extreme scenarios, it's also a valuable exercise in self-reliance and adaptability. It teaches you to take stock of what's truly essential, to plan ahead, and to remain calm under pressure. Plus, it's an excellent excuse for outdoor adventures, testing your survival skills, and finally using that fire-starting kit you got for Christmas.

The Perks of Being a Prepper

Bugging out embodies the spirit of preparedness that preppers champion. It's about knowing when to stay put and when to move, understanding the risks, and having a plan for both. And let's face it, there's a certain satisfaction in knowing that, should the world decide to throw a curveball, you're not just ready—you're already halfway to your BOL, whistling that jaunty tune.

In conclusion, bugging out is more than just an escape plan; it's a mindset, a lifestyle, and a commitment to ensuring that, come what may, you and yours have a fighting chance. So, whether you're a seasoned prepper or a curious newcomer, remember: the journey of a thousand miles begins with a well-packed bug out bag. And maybe a map. Definitely, bring a map.

Look at our Survival & car essentials to get prepped for the big bugout! 

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