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Molly's Ultimate Survival Checklist for Outdoor Adventures


Hey there, fellow outdoor enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on an epic adventure into the great unknown? Well, fear not, because Molly's got you covered with her ultimate survival checklist. Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a newbie to the wilderness, this checklist will ensure you're prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. So, grab your backpack and let's dive in!

1. Shelter

First things first, let's make sure you have a cozy shelter to rest your weary bones after a day of exploring. Molly recommends investing in a high-quality tent like the Camping Dome Tent from Prepared Molly. With its durable construction and easy setup, you'll be snoozing under the stars in no time.

2. Water

Staying hydrated is crucial when you're out in the wilderness, so don't forget to pack plenty of water. Molly suggests bringing along a trusty water filter like the LifeStraw Personal Water Filter to ensure you have clean drinking water wherever you go.

3. Food

A hungry explorer is not a happy explorer, so be sure to stock up on nutritious snacks and meals for your outdoor adventure. Molly recommends packing lightweight, non-perishable options like freeze-dried meals from brands like Mountain House for a delicious and convenient dining experience.

4. First Aid Kit

Accidents happen, especially when you're exploring rugged terrain, so it's essential to have a first aid kit on hand. Molly suggests the Adventure Medical Kit for its compact size and comprehensive contents.

5. Navigation

Getting lost in the wilderness is no fun, so be sure to pack some navigation tools to help you find your way. Molly recommends bringing along a reliable compass like the Suunto MC-2 Compass to keep you on the right path.

6. Fire

A warm fire can make all the difference on a chilly night, so don't forget to pack some fire-starting essentials. Molly suggests carrying waterproof matches and a reliable fire starter like the UCO Titan Stormproof Match Kit for hassle-free campfires.

7. Tools

Make sure you have the right tools for the job. Molly recommends packing a versatile multi-tool like the Leatherman Wave Plus Multi-Tool for all your outdoor needs. Also checkout our Survival Knives (18 age or over for purchase).

8. The right Footwear

The right footwear can protect your feet from sharp rocks, thorns, and other hazards you might encounter on the trail. A sturdy pair of hiking boots or shoes with durable soles and toe protection will shield your feet from injury and give comfort on long hikes. Here's a selection on site.

9. The warmest comfortable clothes

Outdoor environments can be unpredictable, with changes in weather and temperature. The right clothing, such as waterproof jackets, insulating layers, and moisture-wicking fabrics, can help protect you from rain, wind, snow, and extreme temperatures, keeping you comfortable and safe. We have a selection of male, female and gender neutral garments to choose from.

And there you have it, folks! With Molly's ultimate survival checklist and a few key essentials from Prepared Molly, you'll be ready to tackle any outdoor adventure with confidence and ease. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and explore the great outdoors!